December 30, 2008

COW-A-BUNGA Exhibition

"COW-A- BUNGA" at Gallery LELE from January 3rd to 25th, 2009

Chico's artworks will be at Gallery LELE for their next year's very first exhibition "COW-A-BUNGA". Please come and check them out at Gallery LELE.

2009年干支の丑年にちなんだ企画展 "COW-A-BUNGA"(カウアバンガ)に参加します。代官山のキュートなギャラリーGallery LELE にぜひ遊びにいらして下さいね。

December 19, 2008


Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

December 06, 2008


VOGUE NIPPON November 2008

VOGUE NIPPON December 2008

VOGUE NIPPON January 2009

Chico has been illustrating the "Beauty Editor's Choice" for VOGUE NIPPON. Check out this monthly magazine to see her elegant illustrations that gives you a feeling of each month.

VOGUE NIPPONで毎月連載している BeautyPage "Beauty Editor's Choice"をご紹介します。毎回季節感あふれる大人な雰囲気で、おしゃれな誌面を演出しています。来年もどうぞお楽しみに!