September 14, 2010

Another Experimental Art Project

Chico's Another project with Moleskine notebook is going to be my study drawings that would be focused on the Form of everything. I am interested in finding forms from objects to nature, people and flowers.... from a different angle sometimes....Update info will be on my twitter - check out my twitter!

もうひとつの実験&練習プロジェクトは「かたち」 全てのモノを「かたち」としてとらえる、それを描きとめておく、これはそんな実験&練習notebookです。おもしろい形をもし見つけたら、ぜひぜひ教えてくださいね〜! こちらも更新情報はtwitter でつぶやいています!

Chico's MM(My MOLESKIN) project

At last I got the MOLESKINE notebook I had wanted for so long...
I've been thinking what to do with my First MOLESKINE notebook, and decided to use for my drawings, Chico's MM(My MOLESKIN) project!  Update info will be on my twitter - check out my twitter!

そしてChico's MM(My MOLESKIN) project 始めることにしました、実験的プロジェクトとしてドローイングを主に描いていきます。更新情報はtwitterでつぶやいていますのでぜひフォローして見てくださいね!

September 07, 2010

illustration for T-shirt

My rep CWC Tokyo is at  The 70th Tokyo International Gift Show  from Sep.7 (Tues)  to Sep.10 (Fri) 2010.  It is one of the largest personal gift  and decorative  accessory international trade fairs in the world.  I have created an illustration for T-shirts  this time.  How would you like T-shirts like these?   I'd be so happy if you could Please let me hear what you think... Thank you :)
