December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays to you all...

...... Wishing you a very Merry Christmas .....
how many reindeers can you find?

Visit Chico's facebook page,too!


はやさきちーこの公式 facebookページもぜひ見てネ!

November 16, 2011


Check out my page in the new website of Gallery House MAYA. My very special gallery since I had my first solo exhibition in 2002.

Gallery House MAYAさんの新しいサイト内アーティストページに参加させていただいております。未公開の作品もご覧いただけます、今後さらに作品も追加していきたいと思いますのでぜひお楽しみに......

October 31, 2011

CAPE SELLECTION_gift catalogue

I have done Cover illustrations for the gift catalogue for wedding!  I have worked with them for their previous catalogues as well. Please check out my Flickr page for more photos!


October 15, 2011

Fashion Illustration FILE 2011

I am so happy to be in Fashion Illustration FILE 2011 by Genkosha in Japan again this year ♥...You can find me on Page 222 and I hope many people will have a chance to meet my illustrations and to have the opportunity to work together in the near future!  For job inquiries and portfolio requests, please contact with CWC International in NY. 


September 28, 2011

Thank you♥

Thank you for coming to  LOVE FOR NIPPON ART 『366ART HEART COCORO』1st. Exhibition at PARCO FACTORY♥ It was a great experience for me and was a lovery exhibition♥
I have more photos on my Flickr page for those of you who missed the show...

LOVE FOR NIPPON ART 『366ART HEART COCORO』1st. Exhibitionにご来場ありがとうございました♥あったかい雰囲気の会場は関係者のみなさまのやさしいお気持ちが伝わってくるようでした。展覧会は終了しましたが、これからも私にできることを少しずつ見つけていこうと思います♥


August 30, 2011


My piece will be shown at Parco factory in Shibuya for the LOVE FOR NIPPON ART 『366ART HEART COCORO』from Sept. 3 to 19. Please come and join us!

9月3日から渋谷パルコファクトリーでスタートするLOVE FOR NIPPON ART 『366ART HEART COCORO』に参加させていただくことになりました。期間中はいろんなイベントもあるようです、みなさまお誘い合わせの上、ぜひいらして下さい。

August 25, 2011


My niece wearing YUKATA, a Japanese summer kimono made from my fabrics.


August 17, 2011

Make your own binder?

I made my own Ring binder and folder with my fabrics and I think I want to make some more... :D
Kei Fabricさんから届いた布でA4のリングバインダーを作ってみました。


お裁縫が苦手な方もこれなら布とボンドがあれば大丈夫、ぜひ試してみてはいかがですか...私もまたいくつか作ってみようかなと思ってます... :D

July 21, 2011


I've been dreaming of doing textile for so long and I am so excited that I finally can introduce my fabrics from KEI FABRIC today. Please check out their website for more infomations!!! I think I'll try making something with my fabrics this summer...:D

この度ついに念願が叶いKEI FABRICさんからはやさきちーこのファブリックが誕生しました。うれしくてうれしく…感謝!!! 5種類の模様に4色〜6色の色展開、カジュアルなドレスやパジャマ、エプロンやインテリアにもお試しいただけると思います。お裁縫が苦手な私も今年の夏は何か作ってみようかな…と考え中♥

May 16, 2011


Tshirt for GAP, Silver Ring "Rock Star"..... Please check out my page in the "illustration FILE 2011". For job inquiries and portfolio requests, please contact with CWC in Tokyo and CWC International in NY. Thank you so much!!!


April 27, 2011

Harmony Bell ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ ハーモニーベル

My rep cwc-i in NY talks about my recent work here.


April 11, 2011

A month since 3.11...




It's been a month since 3.11... Spring is on its way here  and I hope everyone will have a chance to take time and enjoy the pale pink of sakura flowers...

I've been doing a lot of drawings since 3.11. Thank you to YOKO from moleskinerie for sharing my drawings.  My sister has translated the article on moleskinerie into English for me as follows.

People often say they can find peace of mind by writing or drawing in the Notebook. How about you? Today, I would like to introduce the case of Chico Hayasaki.

"Since the day after the earthquakes and tsunami devastated Japan, the media was filled with sad news and images. They just broke my heart so much that I could not keep a peaceful mind anymore. In order to regain my equilibrium, I started to draw these illustrations......more like doodles. ^_^ Just drawing quietly in Moleskine helped me calm down and relax my mind. It seems that Moleskine has always given me a chance to take a step forward.
There will be a long and painful recovery ahead.......people are still forced to live at evacuation sites and are suffering. When I think about the people affected by this disaster, I think the first thing we can do is to stay strong for them so we can use our energy to support the relief effort in the future. I can only contribute in a small way, such as saving electricity for now. But I would like to think of more things I can do as I build up my reserves of energy by continuing to draw in my Notebook.
I hope the life of the victims returns to normal and people can live in tranquility as soon as possible."

View Chico's illustration on her facebook.
The previous article on Chico's Moleskine illustrations is here.

*The Notebook can take in your unsettling mind and feelings. If you want to relax your mind, why don't you spend some time drawing or writing in the Notebook?

March 01, 2011

h i n a m i -ORBIS

My illustrations on a spread in the February issue of  "h i n a m i",  the brochure of ORBIS cosmetics. Worked with my favorite editor and visited their photo shoot for the first time and I had a great time. These pages turned out so pretty with Maya Tanaka, one of the popular beauty model in Japan...She is so cute,too :)

大好きなビューティエディターさんと久しぶりにご一緒させていただいたお仕事、オルビスのカタログ情報誌 「h i n a m i」2月号です。素敵なページに仕上がってくれました。今回は初めてクリエイティブな撮影現場にも参加させていただきました、貴重な経験ありがとうございました…:) モデルの田中マヤちゃんはものすご〜くキュートでしたよ! 

February 24, 2011


I've been illustrating for the beauty pages in SHISEIDO Beauty Book. 

資生堂Beauty Bookの連載ページ「杏さんと体験する 美の生まれる場所」をまとめてアップしてみました。杏さん、ほんと可愛くて素敵ですよね…

January 11, 2011

Hello 2011!!!


